It's a Uverse modem, I plugged it into the line, it churned and blinked for a few minutes then all was well.  I had the computer plugged in directly, phone etc are on wifi.  I don't know how it did it, but it made my life simpler I guess.  Maybe they knew this modem was for me, or maybe it just talked to their network and it knew it was mine as it was on my line.  F'n Majick however it was done.

I boxed up the old one to send back, there are a coupla little bits inside rattling around, probably something that got blown off the circuit board or something.


On 8/20/20 3:56 PM, Jim Cathey wrote:
Was AT&T storing the settings in their cloud and the new one automatically 
downloaded it all and reset itself?
Horses, not zebras. The necessary settings could have been on your computer and 
Or yes, they could have come from the other end of the link.  Not necessarily 
very far away
as these things go.  No need for a nebulous cloud.  Especially if this is a 
proprietary modem.
What is the nature of the physical link?  Did they know for whom the 
replacement was destined?
Could have been pre-configured before being shipped.

-- Jim



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