Agreed, the enloops are by far the best rechargeables out there in my 


> On Jun 28, 2021, at 10:03 AM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
> How much is shocking? Amazon has Panasonic enloops @ $15 for 4. Its a little 
> more than I paid for Sanyos in 2014 ($12) but not staggeringly.
> I wouldn't buy anything other than enloops and I'd stick to a name brand.
> Get a good charger too, I have the older version of this: 
> The only thing I buy batteries for is the game camera, because theytake 8x 
> AAs and the batteries last a year anyway...
> -Curt
>    On Monday, June 28, 2021, 9:24:11 AM EDT, Andrew Strasfogel 
> <> wrote:  
> I needed some rechargeable AAAs and D cells and was shocked at the cost - 
> even on ebay.  Must be the price inflation for Li.
> On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 8:03 AM Curt Raymond via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:
>  These will use like 1/5 of the energy and last 20x as long. In the long run 
> they're a way better deal if for no other reason than you wont need to find 
> and replace as much.LEDs are much more rugged in use too.
> One of my favorite features of the gas fridge at camp is the LED lights in 
> it. They use 3x AA batteries, just have to remember to take one out when we 
> go home or the lights stay on...
> -Curt
>     On Saturday, June 26, 2021, 4:35:59 PM EDT, Allan Streib via Mercedes 
> <> wrote:  
>  Funny how we are happy to now pay $20+ for two 100W bulbs, when the same 
> rated incandescent bulbs would have cost maybe $1 before they were banned.
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2021, at 4:29 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes wrote:
>> I was at Costco this afternoon and they had these LED lights you screw 
>> into a regular bulb fixture, they have 3 parts you can adjust to aim 
>> them to the side, down, whatever.  Pack of 2 for $20 on sale.  I had 
>> seen these things on web adverts and they were a bit more than that, 
>> like $11 or $13 each.  So I bought a set and put them in the garage shop 
>> when I got home. WHOA!!!! These things are great, much more light than a 
>> 100W bulb and you can orient them to shine on a large area.  I think I'm 
>> going to get another set to go into these little rooms in the back of 
>> the garage where I have other stuff.
>> If you are a Costco member I would strongly recommend getting some. They 
>> are so transformative Bob is now my auntie!
>> -- 
>> --FT
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