I agree solder won't do it.  Braze or tack weld the ball stem back into the 

On Fri, Aug 27, 2021, at 2:49 PM, David Bruckmann via Mercedes wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> My 1976 300D's accelerator linkage has come apart. This is the stamped
> piece attached to the valve cover immediately before the rod that descends
> to the injection pump. The failure is that one of the balls has come loose
> from the stamping, meaning that it becomes detached while driving, leading
> to "loss of control" as NHTSA would say.
> I was initially hopeful because I was able to order (and pay for) said
> linkage (know as LEVER, CONTROL A6170700022,
> https://partssearch.mercedes-benz-classic.com/parts/A6170700022 ), but
> after two weeks and confirmation with Tom Hanson, the part is definitely
> NLA. Too bad, because at under $20 it seemed like a no brainer.
> This part was used *only *on 1975-76 300D 617.910 non-turbo engines. Alas,
> the non-turbo W123 had a different linkage, even though they used the same
> engine.
> So, options are:
> 1. Find a used one (*DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE THIS PART?*)
> 2. Repair the one I have. I was thinking of using solder to prevent the
> ball from being pulled out of the stamping, but I don't thnk that's likely
> to succeed in the long term.
> Would welcome ideas on either front!
> D.
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