I'm not saying that's a bad idea, but I'd be sure of the legality of it
in every state you'll be going through before packing something like
that on a cross-country trip.  Same goes for Tazers, pepper spray, etc.
That's exactly the sort of thing that can turn a routine police stop
into a trip-ending legal nightmare.

If it's unloaded and locked into a non-reachable box it's legal in
all states.  Federal interstate transport law.  Not to say you wouldn't
get into a hassle anyway, but the chances are slim.  It's really
for those nighttime sleep-overs, and if you really need it the
potential cop-hassle is the _least_ of your problems.  Store the
ammo separately, btw.

It's odd, but in most places it is illegal to some degree or another
to actually have the ability to defend yourself, yet that is what
you are required to do!

OT, but I believe that everybody should be able to pack heat at
all times.  Just be prepared to defend your actions in court, and
be prepared to pay a heavy price if you're a fool!  Does anybody
think that we'd really have more crime under such a system?  It'd
be a different mix of crimes to be sure, but I think that there
really would be less of it.  I can think of some 3000-odd people
that wouldn't be dead right now...

Now that I've thrown that grenade...

-- Jim

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