That's the thing about incentives -- you get what you measure and reward, not 
necessarily what you intended!

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022, at 1:53 AM, Scott Ritchey via Mercedes wrote:
> Another government story. There was some item SWMBO bought at the base 
> commissary but she could no longer find it.  So she found the manager 
> and inquired.  The manager said they no longer carry that item because 
> it sold so fast they could not keep it in stock.  You see, the manager 
> was penalized for empty shelves but not lost sales.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mercedes On Behalf Of Curt Raymond via Mercedes
> Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 9:54 PM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List <>
> Cc: Curt Raymond <>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Home Despot batteries
>  Wally screws themselves with that too, it becomes a self-fullfilling 
> prophecy. The 2 stores never sell any 0w40 because they don't have any 
> to sell...
> My biggest complaint at Wally is that you don't really have any choice 
> for most things. For a given category of product they usually have 3 
> choices, the expensive one, the mid priced one and the cheap one. They 
> don't have anything that's interesting or novel because it might not 
> sell.
> -Curt
>     On Monday, January 3, 2022, 09:40:09 PM EST, dan via 
> Mercedes <> wrote:  
>  Wally World is the king of this. Their inventory is extremely 
> selective and solely based on what does (or doesn't) sell at a given 
> location. I have three "Supercenters" within about 8 miles of my house. 
> I can only get M1 0W-40 at one of them - the other two never have it. 
> I've seen similar examples for foodstuffs in their grocery, too.
> It's amazing how granular they are when it comes to inventory.
> -D
> ________________________________
> From: Mercedes <> on behalf of Kaleb 
> Striplin via Mercedes <>
> Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 9:35 PM
> To: <>
> Cc: Kaleb Striplin <>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Home Despot batteries
> That sounds about right.
> Back in my days of working at and managing grocery stores, we were a 
> smaller 17 store family owned chain and we ordered our own product a 
> couple of times a week from the warehouse.  In fact, we had our own 
> central warehouse where they would buy products by the truck load or 
> train load, to stock the warehouse, which was then sent to the stores 
> as ordered.  Our regular items came from a grocery wholesaler.  The 
> stuff from our warehouse was deeply discounted because they bought it 
> in bulk.  Years later after the old man who owned it died, and kids ran 
> it, they went away from that and strictly ordered from the wholesaler 
> same as every other store.  After that they were no longer really 
> competitive and since have been sold off.
> Anyway, sorry for the side track but it seemed a lot of other stores, 
> especially big corporate stores, they do not order anything, they just 
> get whatever corporate sends them.  Seems like a very stupid model to 
> do business.
> On 1/3/2022 8:27 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
>>  Yup. My cousin worked for years and years at Wal-Mart. He worked his way up 
>> to be manager of the sporting goods department. Every year corporate would 
>> send them a whole bunch of salt water fishing gear. Maine is on the coast 
>> right? But here's a surprise for corporate, not all of Maine is on the coast 
>> and people who live inland don't do much salt water fishing. So cousin Tim 
>> gets stuck with all this crap he can't sell and get dinged for carrying 
>> stock that doesn't move which affects his bonus.
>> Finally through a series of moves I don't remember he manages to "lose" the 
>> stuff that doesn't sell. I can't remember if he shipped it to some other 
>> store or what went on but he got it off his books somehow. All of a sudden 
>> he goes from being one of the worst performing departments in the store to 
>> one of the best. Big bonus. Next year they ship him all the stuff he can't 
>> sell again...
>> -Curt
>>      On Monday, January 3, 2022, 09:18:00 PM EST, Allan Streib via Mercedes 
>> <> wrote:
>>  This is where the big box corporate retailers can't get around the 
>> overlords that are dictating how the stores are to be operated.
>> A local parts store or hardware store owner would just shrug, ring up $80.00 
>> or whatever, and let you take it home.
>> On Mon, Jan 3, 2022, at 9:13 PM, Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes wrote:
>>> They send those items “back” and from there who knows where they go.
>>> Liquidators I guess. It would be much simpler to sell them to a 
>>> customer for some amount rather than going through all that for a few 
>>> pennies
>>> --FT
>>> Sent from iFōn
>>>> On Jan 3, 2022, at 8:59 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> You'd think they take an inventory once a month or so. I wonder how they 
>>>> handle items that do not "scan" then?
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 3, 2022, at 6:17 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes wrote:
>>>>> I had heard that home despot sold batteries. I had one die and was 
>>>>> going to be close to HD so I checked it out. They had a H8 on the 
>>>>> shelf for $129. Went to ring it up and it wouldn’t. They were very 
>>>>> confused and called manager. Battery is very dusty and sticker says 
>>>>> April 21 on it. So it’s been sitting there a while. Tag on shelf 
>>>>> says it’s 3 year but battery is labeled 2 year. This confused them 
>>>>> further. Manager shows up and says if it doesn’t scan they can’t 
>>>>> sell it. Also they have not seen tbr “battery guy” since middle of 
>>>>> last year. Just wasted 30 minutes of my life.
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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