That sounds like almost as much fun as sitting in a 727 on final approach as it flies into a microburst -- damned plane FELL onto the runway even though i swear I heard the throttles hit the full power stop -- bounced off one gear (SOP for a 727 hard landing I've since learned -- keeps the gear on and the fuel inside the feel lines...) -- all the over head compartments popped open and all the stuff fell out, and I swear the cabin twisted at least 10 degrees. Freefall on final approach is scary! If you've not flown on a 727, they flare up quite a bit just before the gear touches because the engines are so heavy and all in the rear. That's the exact moment when we got the "tailwind".

Bounced once more on the other gear (right side if I remember correctly), then on both gears and finally landed. Pilot dropped the nose and gave it full reverse thrust and full brakes -- something to experience, since a 727 has a roll-out at full landing weight of 1500 ft. Face in the seatback in front of you, arms fully extended. Brief cases and crap sliding down the aisle and all. I think we were getting short on runway.

We (including the pilot, I think) got off, walked around a bit, got back on and finished the trip. Quite a flier, didn't even blow a tire (been on a 727 that did that once, too).

Thought for sure he was gonna cartwheel that sucker, wingtip only missed the ground by a couple feet.


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