rumor has it that LarryT wrote:

> Dittos to Lee's suggestion to use OpenOffice.  The word processor
> will do  what you want.  I learned about Open Office when I had a
> problem with my MS  Office Suite 97 and MS said they no longer
> support that version - they  suggested I upgrade to a newer version
> - at more than $100 IIRC.  No thanks,  says I.
> So far, I have used the word processor - called AbiWord 2.4 - and it
> works  much like Word.

AbiWord is _not_ OpenOffice. It is "competition" to OpenOffice.

> They
> also have a database, a  program similar to Powerpoint, Excel, etc.

OpenOffice is a full suite with word proccessor, paint, spreadsheet,
draw, and presentation applications. It is available for a number of
different platforms and does a rather good job of converting to/from
MS Office file formats.

> It doesn;t have a deep Help program so all Help is through User
> Groups.

OpenOffice2 does have a rather good help section.

--            Philip, with OpenOffice on three platforms

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