And back to my original point -- "aw crap, stupid happens for no apparent

Story time.

I was a very good student naval aviator during Navy (Coast Guard) flight
school in Pensacola. My Marine/Navy fighter flight instructors nicknamed me
"Airline Pilot" because my landings were so smooth.

One day we came in for some cross-wind touch-and-go landings [sorry guys, I
know I am way off topic here but bear with me]. I am a tall, strong guy and
my flight instructor at the time was about 5'4" and 120 lbs. That, by the
way, is the size of the typical fighter pilot.

We touched down, the T-34C started to veer violently to the left, I applied
take-off power, yanked the stick back and got the plane into ground effect,
and then got really airborne somewhere near the end of the runway.

After we got some altitude the instructor tapped me on the helmet (he sat
behind me) and said, "I've got it."  I said, "Your plane" and put my hands
on my helmet so he knew (standard procedure) that I'd relinquished control
of the aircraft.

We both thought we had a rudder malfunction and briefed on emergency landing
procedures. He tested the flight controls and nothing was wrong. He then
went in  for a full stop landing at home base. Flight over, tag the aircraft
for possible control surface issues.

On debrief, we talked thru it -- and having the light bulb go off above my
head --  I had to admit to him that I'd had a brain fart and had applied
opposite rudder to the wind. He laughed and said he thought the controls
were binding, but in fact I outweighed him by almost 100 lbs and could just
kick the rudders harder than he could.

One of us, and to this day I don't know which it was, actually pushed on the
top of the rudder pedals (which activate the brakes) and flat spotted both
main landing gear tires. I think it was him panicking. He didn't accuse me.

So ... crap happens even in the best of circumstances. Sometimes you sit in
the "pre-flight shack" afterwards and laugh about it and sometimes you end
up dead.

On 9/28/06, Steve MacSween <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So maybe neither of these guys had ever got themselves on the wrong runway
early on. Who knows. God rest the souls, anyway.

Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish.

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