I'm sort of in shock here, but it looks to me, as I sit and type this, as
though I'm going to be shopping for a motor soon. It's an '82 300sd, CA
model, with approx. 205k miles (assuming this is the car's original engine).

Sequence of events:
1. About 10 days ago the engine started to run rough at idle, got quickly
worse. Evident injector 'nailing' on at least one cylinder.

2. A few days later I noticed I was pushing oil out the valve cover gasket
at the rear, especially at idle.

3. I gave it a Diesel Purge treatment and the nailing + roughness went away
while the Purge was in, but about three hours running time after the
treatment it came back but less harsh. I LOOKED to me at the time that once
the worst of the injector problem was dealt with, the oil loss out the VCG
pretty much cleared up (I shampooed the engine then checked after driving).

4. Suddenly last week it ran really bad on startup, four cylinders, until a
bit warm -- and WOW was the oil leak back. A serious loss of oil (at least
.5 quart a day). Started to notice some blowby leaking out the VGG vent
hose, at the air cleaner. I tried cracking the injector lines, all made
about the same difference to how it ran except #1, so I changed out that one
with a spare clean injector I had lying around. Small improvement.

5. On Weds I got hold of new injector nozzles and dropped them off with a
spare set of injectors to have them installed and set up, for me to swap
them into the car.

6. Then last night things went from bad to worse. I am now blowing a geyser
of vapour out the oil filler cap when it's removed, blowby is blowing out
big time from the vent hose, oil p*ssing everywhere. The exhaust is blowing
out diesel on hard acceleration, but little or no oil that I can see except
when cold.

Initially when this started I had thought maybe it was timing (chain stretch
or pump issue), but now I don't see how it can be causing the sudden massive
blowby. I tried cracking the lines today, however, and all cylinders seem
balanced -- I did not have time anyway to do a compression test.

Am I missing something here?


Steve MacSween
Aylmer, Quebec (Canada)
Mercedes: '82 300sd / '82 240d (x2) / '60 220s

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