My Brother is looking at a 1984 Mazda RX7 with 42K miles.  It looks
really nice.

Is this the same brother that is also buying a woody wagon? :-)

 I know nothing about these cars. Does anyone have any
experience with these.

I spun one once. It gripped tenaciously until it suddenly decided to let go. Others have reported them to be similarly unpredictable. Also, the Wankel engine really likes to rev. Driven at low revs, its a dog. Not my choice for a cruiser. It IS fun to drive--but having fun means lots of shifting and lots of engine noise. They are also notoriously inefficient with fuel.

If he wants a cool-looking GT that's reliable and fun to drive, I'd suggest an old Toyota Celica Supra. Lots of torque, smooth and reliable. If he wants a sports car, I'd suggest a Toyota MR 2 or a Miata.

The RX7, in my mind, was neither a GT, which to my mind means a flexible, torquey engine and a good combination between a comfortable ride and decent handling, nor a sports car, which to my mind means great agility and lots of road feel and an eager (if less powerful than GT-class) engine.

Dan Weeks
Freelance Writing and Photography

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