30 years ago it was called Global Cooling and Limits to Growth, some guy who used to show up on Johnny Carson all the time told us we were all supposed to be starving in the cold dark by now, with all the oil gone, no food to eat, mass starvations, commies taken over everywhere, the country gone to hell because of the damned hippies and birth control. (It was Paul Ehrlich et al.) 50-60 years ago it was the commies too (them rooshins and the yellow peril), and The Bomb. I guess we in fact embarked on sophist energy paths to get us where we are today -- more food, more oil, longer life spans, safer cars, commies pretty much gone (and turned into capitalists who are kicking our asses, go figure), cheap electronics, no nuke war yet, an oil-state president who got a big wind power industry started, and more better and cheaper dope than ever before. Well, Fidel is still around, but not much longer probably. The country might still be on its way to hell because of the old hippies, but not there yet.

Each generation has its own big scare, and people who profit from them. It might be smart to be investing in that Arizona beachfront property now?


andrew strasfogel wrote:
It's called CLIMATE CHANGE now, Jeff.

On 12/15/06, Jeff Zedic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nice to know that there's no such thing as global warming. Middle of
December and the temp in Toronto is the same as Arizona??

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