I saw a plate a while ago that said "life sux" or however they spelled it.

Back in my musclecar days, I always wanted to get the plate "VOODOO" in
reference to the Mopar ad campaign from the approx. era of my car that had
as its slogan "I'ts voodoo, baby". I never brought myself to pay the extra
cost, and then insurance costs were unaffordable to me, the single, young
male (even with spotless driving record). And the car had trouble passing
emissions owing to the low vacuum pulled at idle by its long duration cam.
So I never really drove the car enough to think about custom plates again.

And I also wanted to remain less readily identifiable by someone who might
want to report me for something. Kinda a bad idea for someone to have a real
catchy license plate for people to remember, if they don't intend to always
remain within the law.

I do remember that the form required an explanation of the applicant's
reason for their plate wording choice. I thought that it was up to the
discretion of the MVD to allow or disallow a given plate.

83 240D
68 Coronet 500

On 12/26/06, andrew strasfogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MD allowed my son's Satan vanity plates, much to my chagrin...

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