Euan wrote:
Thanks Richard. Yes, I thought the silence was ominous.

The replacement is necessary because our Warrant of Fitness authorities deem any leak of hydraulic fluid from suspension systems as an automatic 'FAIL'. Invoking Mercedes leak-tolerances falls on deaf ears. Worse still, the FAIL is registered nationally on the WOF computer system so that I cannot take the wagon elsewhere (a back-country mechanic, for instance) for a more sympathetic re-test.

The lower strut mounts on my wagon are dripping hydraulic fluid, though the reservoir is not noticeably short of the stuff. The evidence suggests strongly that the struts are leaking. Having obtained replacements from Australia (a little closer than Rusty's supply shop), I'll be hugely irritated if the leaks originate elsewhere.

The struts cost me $350 Australian ouch, (sorry, each). That scandalised SWMBO and brought conjugal access to an abrupt halt; but it was substantially better than the $NZ1100 each quoted here by the MB franchise in NZ.

I don't have an MB service manual unfortunately. That's why I have to keep pestering you erstwhile chaps.

This section of the service manual doesn't directly show what needs to be done, but there's enough information to be useful.

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

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