LT Don wrote:
> Wait, we've done the sorcerer thing, two Presidents ago, didn't we?
> LT Don
> Fairmont WV

I think Nancy's astrologer was three presidents ago.

SS has gotten entirely out of hand. At least in the 1940's the SS didn't
carry Uzis and MP-5s. These days you can go through the whole process of
getting a ticket to attend an outdoor public speech by POTUS, on public
property, take off your jacket, and be bodily thrown out by the SS troopers
after they see you are wearing an "end the war" t-shirt. So much for freedom.

And what's the deal with trying to protect everybody under the sun? 
Kissinger managed to finagle SS protection for himself. All ex presidents
get SS protection details, despite the fact that nobody has ever tried to
off an ex president. The SS even pays rent to the Klintons for the privilege
of being on site to protect them. 

And what's this Fairmont WV stuff? What happened to IA? Did you retire?


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