Werner Fehlauer wrote:
What wasn't mentioned is that the tach shows "zero" rpm while the oil pressure is apparently at idle; the headlight wipers are out of whack; the "bling" wheel arches; and a strange misalignment of hood/grill/front bumper. And why not paint the front fender cross brace red? Wonder what other ills are hidden or forgotten???

The tach goes out if the sensor or it's connections fail (rare) or if the overvoltage relay fails (very frequent with '86-'87 diesels). I replaced all of the relays in my mid '80s diesels when each of them failed. When the relay fails, the cold idle circuit won't work and the A compressor won't come on.

A new relay costs between $65-80 last time I checked.

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

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