Incorrect modulator pressure can also cause the CLUNK when shifting
(particularly downshifting). The modulator is on the driver's side
front of the transmission, and can be adjusted using a little T handle
under a rubber dust cap. This is the thing the vacuum line goes into
on the transmission. To really adjust this properly, you need a
pressure guage to monitor tranmission fluid pressure through a
pressure test port. I'm going from memory here, so don't remember
exactly where this port is.

Since transmission stuff is not really covered in the FSM, it can be a
challenge to find the info. There used to be a very good write-up on
this on the old site. I've probably got it around here
somewhere if you need it.

Of course, it could just mean your transmission, transmission mount,
flex disks, and/or rear end is toast :^(   Maybe you should just sell
it to Kleb :^)

Gary Thompson
Georgetown, TX
1995 E320

On 3/12/07, Steve MacSween <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have the vacuum disconnected on my '82 300sd, and when it's in Drive it
gives a LOUD clunk on the 3-2 downshift. If I have the selector in S,
however, it glides through the 3-2.

Is this anything to worry about? My indy expressed some concern, last time
he drove it, saying he has never heard one this loud before... but when I
explained that it was ok with the selector lever in the other position, he
sort of grunted "Oh, well don't worry about it then."



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