Today at lunch I checked the U-Pull's online inventory list, and found
a new-to-me 1970 250, it can't have been there very long.
114.010-12-XXXXXX.  So off I went, hopeful that it might have some
nice doors or something.  Yes!  A nice nearly rust-free sedan that was
probably sidelined due to Zenith carburetor or ignition problems.
(There were loose parts in the trunk.)  Somebody had gotten the
interior door hardware and screwed up the console, and had taken the
tranny, but there was still plenty left.  Maybe half (or more) of the
good stuff was already gone.  For $45 I was able to nab the two front
doors, _with_ mirrors!  The rubber door seals were also very good, as
were the B-pillar seals.  The white color is certainly not a match,
but paint will probably be easier to deal with than rust.

The seats and carpets are also very nice.  Bamboo, or nearly so.  But
I don't think I need them.  I'm thinking about going back for the rear
door and trunk seals, if they're as good as the fronts.  Does anybody
know if the hood from this 114 will fit my 115?  Fenders?  I seem to
recall that the 114's engine compartment may be longer to fit the
6-cylinder motors.  The car is largely dent- and rust-free, it seems a
shame to let it go to waste.  Whether the Frankenheap would ever _wear_
these new parts is another interesting question.

-- Jim

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