On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 19:43:03 -0500 "Hans Neureiter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 3/23/07, LarryT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Reminds me of a tape I heard about a drunk hitting a deer, stopped to
> > help it and seeing it dead put it in his back seat so he could take it
> > home for future dinners.  Part way home the deer decided he wasn;t
> > dead and didn;t like being driven around.  He proceeded to kick the
> > hell out of the driver who is relating the story to the 911 operator. 
> > It was hilarious.  Just like your experience.
> >
> > You'd have thunk playing with deer would be so much fun?
> Deer?
> It used to be MOOSE day.
> How we get so low.

But a moose won't fit in your car ...


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