us spec airbags are designed to kill.  my 10 year old wants to know why her
government wants her dead.  i told her it isn't personally as they want us
all to fear death from them another means of control.

On 8/19/07, Hendrik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So you are trying to tell me that cars are designed to kill
> intentionally, I suppose you're argument would be that firearms are
> designed only for self defense?
> I suppose if you want to split hairs that is your prerogative but my way
> of looking at it that cars are designed to transport people from A to B
> and firearms are designed to fire a bullet at high speed at whatever you
> point them at. What idiots do with either I can't help.
> However if you want to dig into stats then go and look at the proportion
> of gun ownership and gun deaths. Apparently the US and Canada have a
> similar percentage of gun ownership but nowhere near the number of
> related gun deaths. Why is this so? I have my theories but this is not a
> gun discussion forum and as such might provoke as much hostility as
> discussing politics or religion.
> We are here primarily to discuss automotive things, particularly MB, but
> also talk about other things every now and then.
> I have had my knuckles rapped a few times for expressing my political
> views, the basis being that discussion on that subject can lead to
> heated arguments and as such I am happy to not impose my political or
> religious views here. This is called civility, hopefully I am given the
> same treatment when it comes to the subject of firearms.
> You just never know, if we really all work hard together then one day we
> can put away these machines of death and focus on the machines of life.
> Fmiser wrote:
> >
> >
> > "machines of death".
> >
> > In the USA, the number of deaths:
> >
> > 44000 due to automobile accidents
> > 29500 due to firearms (including 16,000 _suicides_)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > So are you referring to our cars when you say "machines of death"?
> >
> > Maybe you should be.
> >
> > Way to die, and the number of deaths in 2003 due to each - from:
> >
> >
> > All External Causes of Mortality                           166,857
> > Motor-Vehicle Accidents,                                  44,757
> > Intentional self-harm                                       31,484
> > Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances  19,457
> > Assault                                                     17,732
> > Falls                                                     17,229
> > Firearm (non-suicide)                                             12,267
> > Accidental asphyxiations (threats to breathing)              8,885
> > Complications of medical and surgical care                   2,855
> >
> >
> > Maybe where you are the roads are safer. Or the chance of poison
> > is less. Or gravity doesn't work so hard so a fall is less
> > likely.
> >
> > I see three significant conclusions from this data.
> >  * The roads are much more dangerous than the guns.
> >  * If I choose to defend myself and my family, we are less likely
> >    to be one of the 17,000.
> >  * The risk of dieing from assault is less than death by poison
> >    and nearly the same as death from a fall - so why worry about
> >    assault protection.
> >
> > --        Philip, owner of many machines of death - mostly W123s
> >
> >
> >
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