andrew strasfogel wrote:
> The only two persons who actually HAVE make a mockery of the US
> Consistutition are currently in the White House as loyal members of the
> Republican party.  

If you're into conspiracy theories, there are some who predict we've had
our last general elections for a while. Heil Bushler! 
Bush is just one (more blatant than most) out of hundreds. As a Congresscritter,
Cheney was actually less blatant than most. Over 90% of federal government
is in areas that the Constitution clearly does not authorize the feds to go. 
Meanwhile, both "sides" of the republicrat party tell us they are against Big
Government and for individual rights, all the while promising to make gov't
and further infringe rights. Interesting to see how many of the ten points of
Communist Manifesto have already been enacted, and how many Hillary Rodham
promises to make reality. Then there's John McLame, author of the
First Amendment Revocation Act. One wonders how much the North Vietnamese got
inside his head. It looks like we won the Cold War in Europe and lost it at


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