Then I assume you feel the same way about not only Kennedy but also
Eisenhower, and the list no doubt goes on and on.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Rich Thomas
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 4:23 PM
To: Mercedes Discussion List
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT Doctors, Gun owners, Lawyers and Why I drive an MB

Well I know if mine came unzipped I would not have the need, ability, or 
interest to unzip it again as the necessary means to carry through would 
be severely compromised.  But, yes, personal responsibility is the key, 
and enforcement when it doesn't work, if it is important to the couple.  
There is also that little aspect that as president, everyone involved 
has a responsibility to live up to the honor of the office.  In their 
case, it doesn't seem like fidelity and honor toward one another is a 
factor.  Makes me wonder how someone(s) like that could have 
honor/respect in the office and respect to the American people they 
represent, but I think the answer to that is clear.

In the Bill and Hill case, it was ongoing, so yeah, I think it was her 
responsibility to make sure it did not happen again and again and again 
when he was incapable of behaving responsibly, if for no other reason 
than family honor or consideration of their child, even if it wasn't his.

And yes I think it is a spouse's job to keep the other from straying, by 
daily actions and behavior toward one another, not necessarily by 
constant oversight unless you got a Bill type to cover.  You really have 
to work at it every day, and sometimes it is hard work to do so.


Bill R wrote:
> Interesting that you feel it is your wife's job to keep your pants zipped.
Is it also your job to keep her from other men?  I always liked the idea of
personal responsibility myself.
> BillR 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Rich Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <>
> Sent: 4/4/08 2:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Doctors, Gun owners, Lawyers and Why I drive an MB
> Hillary did a great job of keeping things (i.e., Slick's zipper) in the 
> White House under control, I'm sure she will be able to run govt health 
> care, when she is not dodging sniper fire.
> --R
> Rory wrote:
>> In case you may have not noticed, the government already runs one
>> health care organization, VA Anyone?  Since they do such a stellar job
>> with that oe, I'm sure they can handle the rest of the population.
>> "US Government health care, combining all the efficiency of the US
>> Government, with all the compassion of the IRS!)
>> Not ME!
>> On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Allan Streib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> If you think things are bad now, wait until all the doctors are
>>> government employees.
>>> Allan
>>> --
>>> 1983 300D
>>> "Bill R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>>> Not intentional I am sure, but errors from fatigue, guessing about the
>>>> correct medication rather than looking it up, incorrect diagnosis, a
>>>> during surgery - yes to those.  I don't think that I would feel much
>>>> better if I lost my spouse or a child to a medical mistake rather than
a bullet.
>>>> In fact, given the lingering death some medical errors cause, in some
>>>> cases the bullet could be better.  All things being equal [meaning you
lose a
>>>> loved one] errors vs evil intent might be easier to live with, might
>>>> BillR
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