On 07/06/2018, Denis Laxalde wrote:
> Sean Farley a écrit :
> > I want to bring up a discussion about the next location for the sprint.
> > In my recent travels, I talked with ~10 people who expressed some
> > reservations about being able to make the next sprint if it is held in
> > Japan.
> Thanks for bringing this discussion up!
> > The major reasons for me are:
> > 
> > - a lot of Europeans were (and still are) unable to travel to the US
> >   easily; therefore, weren't able to make it to the last sprint
> > 
> > - since people weren't able to make it to the last sprint (me
> >   included!), there was a tradition of having the 2nd sprint of the year
> >   in Europe. This would be ~15 people for the 4.8 sprint
> I've attended to the last two sprints in Europe (where I live) and but
> did attend those in the US. This is mainly for personal reasons; not
> that I can't travel to the US (nor anywhere else), but rather that I try
> to avoid long travels unless I feel it's really worth it. So I won't go
> to Japan and, likewise, I won't necessarily go anywhere in Europe.
> As a casual contributor, attending to a sprint regularly (once a year is
> okay, perhaps one year and a half would be too) and meeting the
> community helps me staying involved.
> That being said, I understand that people in Asia might have the same
> wish to have a sprint held close to where they live. So I totally in
> favor of adding other locations for sprints!


I've attended to the Paris sprint (my first and last) and always
consider going to sprints when they are scheduled in Europe.
Having 3 sprints looks a good compromise.

> > So, I was thinking of proposing the following compromise: having the 4.8
> > sprint in Europe and inserting Japan into the rotation after that (e.g.
> > 5.0 is in Japan and 5.2 is in North America).
> Seems fine to me (obviously). Otherwise, when is supposed to be the next
> sprint in Europe if the next one is in Japan? Does the Japan sprint
> intercalate or replace the one in Europe?
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