At 09:20 AM 3/3/99 +0000, Brian J Beesley wrote:

>How about a clever method of computing just the last few bits of 
>the residual - if we could work mod 2^64 instead of mod 2^p-1 then 
>that would give essentially a *huge* speed increase, even if the 
>algorithm was a great deal more complex.

It is conceivable, but I doubt such a thing is possible.  It could be though.

>Also, if you can find quicker arithmetic algorithms, then *please* 
>get in touch with Donald Knuth! There may be some (fairly small) 
>scope for improvement in the implementation -

You've heard of Knuth, I'm impressed.  If you see section 4.3.3 you'd know that
there are algorithms (for mult and div) that are faster than what are currently

| Jud McCranie               [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|                                                        |
|  ... algorithms are concepts that have existence apart |
| from any programming language.  The word "algorithm"   |
| denotes an abstract method of computing some output    |
| from some input ...    -- Donald Knuth, CACM, 1966     |

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