Yesterday I wrote:

> [... snip ...] I believe the 
> Chudnovskys (apologies if I've misspelled their name) had 
> dedicated hardware that could do a 2^20 bit by 2^20 bit 
> multiplication in less than a microsecond, about 15 years ago. 
> (Reference, "The Joy of Pi")

Oops. When I went to check this reference (which I knew was in 
something I'd read recently) I found it wasn't in "The Joy of Pi". 
However, I found in Knuth vol 2 (3rd ed) p311 reference to "Little 
Fermat", a general-purpose computer built by the Chudnovskys in 
1985 which could multiply 2 million-bit integers in less than 0.1 sec.

I'm a lot less impressed - most of those of us running mprime, 
Prime95 etc. will be doinf rather better than this on cheap 
commercial PCs at the moment!

Sorry for the misinformation

Brian Beesley
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