>I once had a great idea: I would express the Great Number in hex!
>Then I realized that I would get with 4 pages of tiny Fs.  {8-[
>Not so interesting.  But if some clever GIMPSer were to generate the
>perfect number that is (M37*(M37+1))/2 then express *that* number
>in hex, I would clear off a space on my office wall for it.  {8-]  Anyone
>accept the challenge?

I'm afraid the perfect number in hex would be equally boring...  Let P =
2^p - 1, a Mersenne prime.  The associated perfect number is:

P(P+1)/2 = (2^p - 1)(2^p)/2 = (2^p - 1)(2^(p-1))

The binary expansion of this number will of course be p 1's followed by p-1
0's.  In hex it would be equally boring.

- Clayton

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