On Sun, 07 Mar 1999 09:54:39 -0800, Spike Jones wrote:

With my 600 dpi printer it fits on 2 Pages with 1,5 point font Arial
and 1,2 point linespace, but you need a magniffying glass....


>>     If the printout has 80 characters per line and 60 lines per page,
>> you'll need 190 pages for 910000 decimal digits.  You must have
>> big pages.  Do you use four walls, floor, and ceiling?
>If one used readable fonts, then yes, one would need a couple hundred
>pages to print out the great one.  If one uses two point font, then one
>gets several hundred characters per line and three hundred lines
>per page.  Now of course, the pages look like grey goo.  I have been
>asked why I have six pages of greyness on my wall.  {8^D  Those with
>*very* good eyes can resolve characters and even read them off of a
>two point printout from a good laser printer.
>I once had a great idea: I would express the Great Number in hex!
>Then I realized that I would get with 4 pages of tiny Fs.  {8-[
>Not so interesting.  But if some clever GIMPSer were to generate the
>perfect number that is (M37*(M37+1))/2 then express *that* number
>in hex, I would clear off a space on my office wall for it.  {8-]  Anyone
>accept the challenge?
>Thanks for the explanation of the LL Peter!  spike
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