Spike Jones wrote:
> > spike wrote:   ... if some clever GIMPSer were to generate the
> > >perfect number that is (M37*(M37+1))/2 then express *that* number
> > >in hex, I would clear off a space on my office wall for it.  {8-]
> Clayton Smith wrote:
> > The binary expansion of this number will be p 1's followed by p-1
> > 0's.  In hex it would be equally boring.

No, it be %100 more interesting, having four characters instad of
just two: a 3, 755343 Fs, an E, and 755344 0s.

> On second thought, maybe it is good to use base 62

as long as your base isn't a power of two you'll get a curious grey
texture; the next edition of my business card is going to be handwritten
in black marker across part of prime3.ps (at an angle)

> Then yahoos could search for more proof that Elvis loves them
> in *P*M3021377

> Have we any code gurus that can help us out here?  spike

I'm not going to do this one.  Spike, if you search for base-64 
encoding libraries you'll find several you can slightly mutate to
get what you want, similar to base64 (MIME) encoding as it is.

No, that won't work at all because every base64 encoder I've
ever seen relies on bit-shifting, and you'll need to mod the whole thing
by your odd base on every character-producing pass.  It would be a nice
test of an arbitrary-precision arithmatic package.
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