Thanks for sharing the bib search results.  There seems to be about a 10
year gap between the
2 sets of papers as well as some shift in field.

The linear algebra papers would have to have some pretty heavy-duty
simplifications before I would be
inclined to pay any attention to Milstein's opinion on primality testing. 
About 20 years ago, I took a couple
of courses from John Rhodes at UC Berkeley on finite state machines (Rhodes
called it Automata Theory). 
Basically, any finite state machine can be decomposed as a semi-direct
product of finite groups and 
(perhaps several copies of) one very elementary semi-group 

  U3, three elements 1,x,y:  1 is the identity and  xy = y and yx = x.
(Forgets left argument.)

Now, from back in the 60's, any finite group can be represented in matrices
-- lots of ways.  If U3 can be represented 
by linear algebra (exercise for the reader), this seems to complete the
case for finite state machines -- in very vague terms.

Again, I hope there is something a wee bit deeper than fleshing out this
general approach, then I remain unimpressed.
What would impress me?  Something along the lines of Rapheal Robinson's
results on spheres:  the Bolzano-Tarski 
theorem proved (what, back in the 1920's?) that you could cut a solid 3D
sphere into finitely many chunks, then rearrange
the chunks to make another solid (no holes or gaps) 3D sphere with _twice_
the volume.  Pretty spooky, I always felt.
Robinson first proved that 9 chunks would do it.  Then he found a way with
5 (maybe it is 4) and I think he showed that this
was the minimum.

The linear representations of finite state machines is at first blush a
"fairly" straightforward application of 
linear representations of finite groups and the decomposition theorem for
finite state machines.  Is there 
some real content?  

Message text written by INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>* Moeller TL, Milstein J
Generalized algebraic structures for the representation of discrete systems
LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL 274: 161-191 APR 15 1998 

* Moeller TL, Milstein J
Algebraic representations for finite-state machines .2. Module formulation
LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL 247: 133-150 NOV 1 1996 

* Moeller TL, Milstein J
Algebraic representations for finite-state machines .1. Monoid-ring
LINEAR ALGEBRA APPL 239: 109-126 MAY 1996 

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