> Hi,
> I know this should really go directly to Scott, but I expect the
> answer will be of interest to others as well.
> I just found this in my logs:

> ERROR 5: UserID/Password error.
> A new userID and password will be generated.
> Will try contacting server again in 60 minutes.

> Contacting PrimeNet Server.
> Updating user information on the server
> ERROR: Primenet error: 87
> Will try contacting server again in 60 minutes.

> Contacting PrimeNet Server.
> Updating user information on the server
> Sending text message to server:
> UID: S05901/Navi, User: Henrik Oluf Olsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sending expected completion date for M9800171: Mar 14 1999
> ERROR 17: Exponent not assigned to us.

> This happened to three of the six machines I run mprime on, at around the
> same time, so I wonder if we're likely to see a large virtual jump in the
> statistics with regards the number of accounts, without any actual reality
> behind it, as well as a lot of stale assignments.
> My solution has been to quit the new accounts from GIMPS, then recreate
> the worktodo files manually from the account info on the old accounts
> assignment report and regenerate the prime.ini file for the old
> account from backup.  So far it seems to work.

I had the exact same problem yesterday.

About 4-5 of my instances of NTPrime checked in yesterday, but only one of
those did this, so there must have been a certain time window where this

I was able to fix it a little easier by running NTSetup on the affected
instance and setting my userid/password back which resulted in the program
telling Primenet to switch back/rename the user again.  It credited the
result for that LL test back to my real account and removed it from the new
one it created.

At first I thought somebody else had modified my prime.ini file, but now
that I see someone else had a problem, I guess it wasn't on my end after

However, I didn't check to see if it unassigned any exponents and assigned
new ones...I'll have to look into that some more.


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