>This happened to me too yesterday.  The FAQ on www.entropia.com
>mentions this spontaneous-account-changing as a phenomenon that can
>happen to Prime95/98/NT, but I'm running under Linux.

This is all the work done, submissioned by the Prime95 client, starting 
on March 13 19:00. I've removed a couple of column to make it more 

6622523 [snip]  13-mars-99      18:57   jobhopper       
2374109 [snip]  13-mars-99      18:57   telos   BDC
1921013 [snip]  13-mars-99      19:00   tweak   trout
6425647 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:27   finlayson       raglan
6350017 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:27   S05688  quark
5560007 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   madpoo  pcyy2k-4
6914161 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05696  
5549569 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05700  AL22190
6638669 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05707  fg09a
2165533 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05721  
2263213 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05723  Edison
6709823 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05732  Work2
2335253 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:28   S05734  terminator
6744169 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:29   S05737  lepton0
6235961 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:29   S05739  SKOMER
6772033 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:29   S05743  AL21146
2517631 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:32   S05790  X-90
6693487 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:32   S05791  lb
6768889 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:33   tarnold cypraea3
1876289 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:34   AMD_Man K6333
2509181 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:34   S05799  melissa
6312641 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:35   nevek   Rm215
2314643 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:35   r_eckhard       Datentechnik
5027713 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:36   glcross WIZARD
6889541 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:39   eben_visher     
6777497 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:39   S05831  Linus
6236051 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:40   S05840  P400_Sylmar
9201391 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:41   qazz    300p2
2305969 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:44   S05853  
2423489 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:45   S05856  OS_2
6814663 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:46   lcooksey        
5881783 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:47   TempleU-CAS     Al22159
2347663 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:48   DUnderbakke     psalm119
6798359 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:49   S05870  Jupiter200
6798739 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:49   S05873  withbill
1611877 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:50   S05875  Ebi
2510149 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:54   haveland        temp01
6855229 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:57   S05900  Compaq
6876811 [snip]  13-mars-99      22:58   curtisc ed
2422543 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:05   S05924  ms
2293549 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:06   TeamSymix       vega
6099941 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:09   S05943  
2273041 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:11   S05948  P133
5560069 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:15   madpoo  rhdy2k-3
6938681 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:17   S05964  CHRIS
6258979 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:23   malmrose        6
6953407 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:24   S05984  
5820371 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:24   S05985  
2510303 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:25   haveland        temp02
4113719 [snip]  13-mars-99      23:28   44      

As you can see in the space of 3 hour, more than 300 account have been 
created.  My conclusion is that anybody who contacted Primenet between 
19:00 and 22:30 UTC had there account changed? 


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