I've completely remade all of my GIMPS Banners, and added a couple new ones.
They're located at http://mersenne.cjb.net/  , and there's about 60 of them
(30 of one font, 30 of another.) These are the very same ones Scott Kurowski
uses on the PrimeNet page. *grin* Thanks, Mr. Kurowski!
Feel free to use them as much as you like. :-D If you have a web page, please,
please use them, as GIMPS needs mucho publicity.
They're 40x400, 256 color GIFs that are about 8K apiece. You can copy them or
just link to them in my FTP directory. Directions are on the page.
If you could, E-mail me and tell me which slogan you like the best. Feedback
is goooood, gooooood....

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