Excellent work.  I am curious  -  who do you contact for the $1,500 prize?
One banner did not get through  --  they are not numbers so I cany point to
it. There are two GIMPS/Primenet. Ffor the glory of mathematics and one
GIMPS/Primenet. Join 7000+ fellow computer users belows bd   

At 01:16 AM 12/13/98 EST, you wrote:
>I've completely remade all of my GIMPS Banners, and added a couple new ones.
>They're located at http://mersenne.cjb.net/  , and there's about 60 of them
>(30 of one font, 30 of another.) These are the very same ones Scott Kurowski
>uses on the PrimeNet page. *grin* Thanks, Mr. Kurowski!
>Feel free to use them as much as you like. :-D If you have a web page, please,
>please use them, as GIMPS needs mucho publicity.
>They're 40x400, 256 color GIFs that are about 8K apiece. You can copy them or
>just link to them in my FTP directory. Directions are on the page.
>If you could, E-mail me and tell me which slogan you like the best. Feedback
>is goooood, gooooood....

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