At 12:14 AM 1/30/99 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> <snipped>
>More recently, I downloaded the source code from Perfectly Scientific
>Inc (link is on the same page as above).  I have compiled the source code
>successfully, but the resulting program does not seem to be working, since
I have
>found none of the known factors with several runs of the program.

I have considerable experience with "fermat.c" and the Perfectly
Scientific Inc "giants" libraries. Suggest you try the following:

1. Place the four source files fermat.c, fgiants.c, giants.h and
   giants.c in your project directory - say \MyProjects\FermatTest

2. In MS Visual C++ 5.0/6.0 create a new project using: File / New
   / Projects=Win32 Console Application / Project name=FermatTest

3. Compile the three source files fermat.c, fgiants.c and giants.c
   adding them to the project FermatTest when prompted

4. Modify the main function in fermat.c as follows:
   i)  add a new case:    case 12: B = 1000L; break;
   ii) use a fixed seed:  seed = xxx; (instead of psi_rand())
       where xxx is 144, 485, 573, 632 or 959

5. Then do Build / Build FermatTest.exe (or F7)

6. The resultant executable FermatTest.exe should have compile cleanly
   and when run from a DOS prompt using the syntax:
       FermatTest.exe 12 > FermatTest.txt
   should produce results similar to those shown below

The "magic" seeds above are five known test values that find the 
factor 114689 in the First stage (carried forward to Second stage).
If not you have some kind of problem!!

If you have any other questions please contact me privately, 
so we can discuss this off the Mersenne List.

Alan Powell


                                F 1 2   [Xeon400]

Attacking F12 using ECM with DWT
B=1000 C=50000 Q=4096 nsh=544 stack=1088 fftlen=128

Commencing first stage pass=144 seed=144...

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