Mersenne Digest          Thursday, 11 February 1999     Volume 01 : Number 508


Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 09:20:54 -0600
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Laptop use...

- --0__=sieL4lSd2XXbg6QgVqMi8DmbO2TBjND8we9H11T1WN0V5oJywEzIcVcv
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I have no problems with running prime95 on my laptops a Toshiba Satellite
and a
Texas Instruments Travelmate (P100 and P150).  I think you just got some
bad system
boards (Dell computers normally work great).

From: sean @ on 02/07/99 12:34 AM PST

To:   mersenne @
cc:    (bcc: James Escamilla/TXN)
Subject:  Re: Mersenne: Laptop use...

- --0__=sieL4lSd2XXbg6QgVqMi8DmbO2TBjND8we9H11T1WN0V5oJywEzIcVcv--


From: Spike Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:31:33 -0800
Subject: Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #506

is the raw data available that went into the chart near the bottom of

?  i wish to do some fourier transforms on that data, in the
form of date vs daily gimps cpu yrs/day.  there may be some
wonderful insights yet undiscovered in this data.  thanks!  spike


End of Mersenne Digest V1 #508

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