Sander Hoogendoorn writes:

   Last weekend when i was testing Prime 95 i noticed that factoring
   low numbers took much longer as high numbers.
   Factoring M17XXX from 2^52 to 2^54 took minutes per pass while
   factoring M9XXXXXX from 2^52 to 2^54 took about one minute to
   complete the whole factoring. How is this possible?

All factors of a Mersenne number with a prime exponent, p, are of the
form 2*k*p + 1 where k is a natural number (positive integer).  So the
larger p is, the fewer the number of possible factors between two
constants like 2^52 and 2^54.  In this case, 17XXX divided by 9XXXXXX
is at most 0.2%, so checking all the possible factors of M17XXX takes
about 500 times as much CPU as checking all the possible factors of
M9XXXXXX within the same range of numbers.

This a large part of why higher exponent Mersennes are trial factored
farther than lower exponent Mersennes.

While I'm here, I'll mention for the newcomers that I collect all
sorts of factoring data on Mersenne numbers, including George
Woltman's ECM & GIMPS data, the Cunningham Project ftp site data
maintained by Paul Leyland, Conrad Curry's Factor98 data, and directly
from interested individuals like yourself; just send it to me in
email, plain text or as MIME attachment(s).  The data I've collected
for exponents under 200,000 is available below.  I have data for many
larger exponents, including all primes thru 21.5 million or so, but do
not have room on my ISP's web server to upload it.

                                                Will (proofs, links, etc.)
                                mersfmt.txt   (data format description)
                        (data, zip'd)
                                mersdata.tgz  (same data, different packing)
                                factoredM.txt (completely factored Mersennes)

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