> At 06:51 AM 2/15/99 EST, you wrote:
> >fascicles
> What the devil is a "fascicle"? What you get when you mix liquid nitrogen,
> Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler?

>From dictd:

root@riverdale:/home/jughead/slash-0.2# dict fascicle
3 definitions found

>From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [webster]:

  Fascicle \Fas"ci*cle\, n.
     One of the divisions of a book published in parts;

>From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [webster]:

  Fascicle \Fas"ci*cle\, n. [L. fasciculus, dim. of fascis. See
     A small bundle or collection; a compact cluster; as, a
     fascicle of fibers; a fascicle of flowers or roots.

>From WordNet (r) 1.6 [wn]:

       n : an installment of a printed work [syn: {fascicule},


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