Earlier I posted the notion that Mersenne primes might be used to
impress extraterrestrial civilizations.  After thinking it thru, I think we
can make a stronger arguement than that:   Mersenne primes might
be the *best* yardstick to *prove* a certain level of technological
achievement, perhaps the most logical yardstick.

Consider: Interstellar messages may be in the form of binary messages
where the number of bits is the product of two large primes (call them
M and N).  Any mathematically oriented receiver would place the bits
into an MxN array and color in the 0s (or 1s) and get a black and white
picture.  These pictures cannot be used to *prove* ones level of technology
level for they could easily be faked.  We could create a picture of a
more advanced city that we currently have, for instance, from a model.

But, the primes *cannot* be faked.  You either have the computational
ability to find them or not.  We could send out a list of all known
primes as a proof of computational prowess, but I would suggest
sending only the Mersennes would prove our technology to any possible
exocivilizations with far less power wasted sending all known primes.

Can anyone think of any way to *prove* the level of sophistication
of our current society, better than a list of Mersenne primes?  spike

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