> Spike Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Mersenne primes might
> > be the *best* yardstick to *prove* a certain level of technological
> > achievement, perhaps the most logical yardstick.
> Bryan Fullerton wrote:  Of course, that yardstick measures both ways - it could
> also prove technological inferiority... "They've only found the first 3000 2^n-1
> primes?
> Such slow creatures!"  ;)

True Bryan, but recall that lithium computer exercise we did last week.
All ET intelligences would be subject to the same physical constraints
that we are.  Unless some ET figures out a Myxlptlk theorum that generates
all the 2^n-1 primes, just having found 37 of them will impress advanced
societies.  Specifically, that we are so processor rich that we can afford
to squander it on amusing ourselves.  Also, consider the future of our
own planet.  Future civilizations here will measure our progress by how
much time we spent looking for and how many Mersenne primes we
knew way back in the 20th century.  spike

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