Mersenne Digest           Sunday, 28 February 1999      Volume 01 : Number 516


From: "Christopher E. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 00:06:31 -0900 (AKST)
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Pentium III

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Paul Derbyshire wrote:

> >...minimize possible cache hits on cacheless Celeron chips...
> Isn't that a vacuous statement? :-)
> (Say, I never heard of any cacheless Celeron chips, or any other
>  cacheless chip since the late eighties...)

        Eh?  All the original Celeron chips were sans cache, only after
the customers started screaming about a 300 performing like a 200mhz
pentium did the 300A and later come out with a reduced size cache (instead
of none).

- ----
        As folks might have suspected, not much survives except roaches,
        and they don't carry large enough packets fast enough...
        --About the Internet and nuclear war.

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From: Paul Derbyshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 07:24:03 -0500
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Pentium III

At 12:06 AM 2/28/99 -0900, you wrote:
>       Eh?  All the original Celeron chips were sans cache, only after
>the customers started screaming about a 300 performing like a 200mhz
>pentium did the 300A and later come out with a reduced size cache (instead
>of none).

Really??? Hm. Silly buggers. Never ever ever ever release a chip without a
cache. I don't suppose they were reasonable and charitable and gave
everyone who got a chip from the bum batch a free upgrade to a 300A?

And "minimize possible cache hits on cacheless Celeron chips" is still a
vacuous condition...

- -- 
   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
- -()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."    -------------------------------------------------
        -- B. Mandelbrot  |
_____________________ ____|________     Paul Derbyshire     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|
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From: "George Strohschein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 08:28:28 -0500
Subject: Mersenne: Spike - demonstrating calculating prowess

I think the idea of demonstrating our calculating prowess is illogical.
Even a typical insect brain has many times the computing power of our best
PCs.  Consider that it takes one PC to run a robot arm at Chrysler; a fly
has six much more complicated legs.

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Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 15:54:35 -0000
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Pentium III

>> (Say, I never heard of any cacheless Celeron chips, or any other
>>  cacheless chip since the late eighties...)
>       Eh?  All the original Celeron chips were sans cache, only after
>the customers started screaming about a 300 performing like a 200mhz
>pentium did the 300A and later come out with a reduced size cache (instead
>of none).

You're *both* half right.

*ALL* Intel P6 family CPUs (PPro, PII, Celeron, Xeon, PIII) have 32KB Level 1 
cache, divided into 16KB of instruction cache and 16KB of data cache. The Level 1 
cache always runs at core speed.

Where the products differ is in the amount and speed of the Level 2 cache.

PPro had 256KB, 512KB or 1024KB of L2 cache fabricated into the chip package & 
running at core speed. Almost all PPros were the 256KB version, the 512KB version 
was extortionately expensive, and the 1024KB version so dear that very few people 
ever saw one.

Xeon has 512KB, 1024KB or 2048KB of L2 cache, running at core speed, somewhere in 
the Slot 2 cartridge. Probably on seperate chips. +/- the same comments about 
pricing apply as to the PPro with half as much L2 cache.

PII and PIII both have 512KB of L2 cache running at half core speed, on a seperate 
chip mounted inside the Slot 1 cartridge.

The original Celeron (266 and 300) had no (OKB) L2 cache. These may be repackaged 
PII components with duff L2 cache disabled. In any case, they are obsolete, you 
can't seem to buy new ones from "normal" retail outlets any more.

Later Celerons (300A, 333 and above) have 128KB of L2 cache, integrated onto the 
CPU chip and running at core speed.

I believe that mobile PII processors (the "Tillamook" package, not the Slot 1 
cartridge) have only 256KB L2 cache, but running at full core speed. But I don't 
claim ever to have seen one.

If you have a BIOS which allows you to mess with the cache settings then you can 
experiment. My Supermicro BX chipset motherboard with AMI BIOS allows you to turn 
on or off the level 2 cache, and also to enable or disable the ECC mode in the 
cache memory (if your CPU supports it - the "Klamath" PIIs, 233/266/300 MHz, 
didn't have ECC cache capability).

On a dual PII-350 system, I found (a) having the ECC turned on or off made no 
difference at all to any benchmark - reccomendation, if your system supports ECC, 
enable it, it costs nothing & should aid reliability; (b) having the L2 cache 
disabled slowed the system down by approx. 10% so far as "normal" benchmarks are 
concerned, but made little if any difference to the speed of Prime95. There may be 
more effect on systems that do not have PC100 SDRAM. This finding is corroborated 
by other personal experience, I found that the Celeron 266 system my employers 
(stingy so-and-so's) bought for me to use at work ran Prime95 at pretty much the 
same speed as my own PII-266, which quite honestly surprised me at the time.

The cache tuning which has been done in Prime95 appears to be aimed to optimizing 
the use of the L1 cache, I don't see anything which the L2 cache helps out much. 
Corroborative evidence for this comes from my PII-266 system, the Pheonix BIOS on 
the Intel LX motherboard on this system allows you to disable L1 and L2 cache (but 
not seperately), if you disable the cache then Prime95 runs several times slower!
(This may be the source of the fable about original Celerons being dead slow - 
systems integrators turned off the cache in the BIOS, not realizing that the L1 
cache was being shut down, too)

The point is that the amount and speed of Level 2 cache, on Intel P6 family CPUs, 
appears not to have a large effect in the performance of Prime95 - certainly not 
enough to justify paying 10x the price for a Xeon 450 2MB as opposed to a PII-450!

So far as Pentium III is concerned, call me a cynical old f*** if you must, but I 
think it's marketing hype. I would have thought that the "signal processing" and 
"rendering" type applications, at which the KNI instructions seem to be targeted, 
would be better done in dedicated hardware outside the CPU. After all, it 
isn't the CPU that connects to the Internet, it's the modem or network adapter 
- - and what you see on the screen is an image of the contents of the memory in the 
graphics adapter. Sorry, Intel, but Katmai looks more like a version upgrade (in a 
strange direction) than a quantum leap in technology. Nevertheless, no doubt, lots 
of people with newish PII systems and more money than sense will upgrade to a PIII 
with little increase in clock speed - which means there may shortly be a surplus 
of second-user PII CPUs on the market at ridiculously low prices. Cheap upgrades 
for some of us? (Check that the idiot who had the CPU before you didn't put his 
thumb through the fragile fan housing when he was removing the cartridge from its 

Now, if what we read about the forthcoming AMD K7 is true (256KB L1 cache, FPU 
capable of executing 2 double-precision operations per clock, bus speeds 133MHz 
initially, 200 MHz later), then that might make a *real* impact on Mersenne number 
testing - even if we do need to re-optimize to take full advantage of it.

Brian Beesley
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From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 10:32:13 -0700
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Pentium III

> >...minimize possible cache hits on cacheless Celeron chips...
> Isn't that a vacuous statement? :-)
> (Say, I never heard of any cacheless Celeron chips, or any other
>  cacheless chip since the late eighties...)

It is a bit confusing, yes?  :-)

I'm referring to the L2 cache, for which the first Celerons had none.  You
can get Celeron's now with 128k (or maybe 256k also?) now.  Those ones have
the distinct advantage that the L2 cache runs at CPU speed, not CPU/2 speed
like the PII/Xeon/etc.

By keeping the code small, you'll hope to keep the program's main bits in
the L1 cache.

BTW, here's the press release URL I got from Intel today:

You'll notice that it *does* mention an improvement in FPU speeds due to the
addition of a 3rd register, enhancing parallel instruction execution, making
the PIII capable of 4 floating point instructions in a single instruction.

That oughta help Prime95, yes?

Plus, seperate registers now for FP and MMX means better performance when
you're actually doing other stuff on the machine, like playing a game or
whatever, since it won't have to store the registry, then swap back in

Plus, you could use the SIMD stuff to *specifically* load stuff into the L2
cache ahead of time, so when the code needs it, it'll be waiting in the fast
ram for ya.  Smaller improvement than the FPU stuff, but could be a few
percent.  Not bad.

And of course, when it hits 600MHz, that'll be pretty nice too.


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From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 10:53:43 -0700
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Fabs.

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Derbyshire

> >...don't expect a speed improvement beyond the obvious boost to
> >500MHz (and faster once .18 fabs come online).
> Fabs? What are those? I found a fabs in my float.h once, never did see it
> again. I think it was for finding absolute values. :-)
> I guess I have to make a guess here. A .18 fab is...
> * A nasty hypervelocity rifle with small caliber but potent slugs,
>   hopefully in a Quake type game and not being manufactured in a
>   black market weapons factory in the Middle East.
> * A version of a program. A very very very very beta version.
> * A very small something-or-other with which you something-or-other
>   your something-or-other in order to achieve something-or-other.
> Which of these is correct? :-)

Argh! :-)

None are correct...heh.

Short for fabrication plant.  Basically, every time they shrink the pesky
things, they have to invent a whole new technology to do it. :-)  And that
means time and money.

Usually, they can convert one plant over, but they can't convert 'em all
because they need to keep making current chips as well, so they'll make a
new plant or add-on to an existing one.

Then there are the different yields.  By increasing the disc size they use
to cut the silicon, you can get more chips on one die, increasing yield.
What are they using now...18" dies or something?  You can fit a lot of
PIII's on that.

Anyway, I think the current PIII's will be at the same level as the PII's,
but when they move to 0.18 micron, the trace width, you can get faster

The problem with speeds are that with resistance, when you apply a square
wave to it, it doesn't change instantly.  Were this not a text based forum,
I could do a picture, but suffice to say that you get a gradual increase
going from logical 0 to logical 1 (the PIII uses 1.8 volt methinks, so
you're going from 0V to 1.8V).

The clock signal changes like that every 2ns at 500MHz.  The clock signal
must barely be able to get up to 1.8V in that time, though reducing the
voltage is a good way to help, as well as decreasing power consumption.

By making the traces smaller, you get less resistance and you can apply a
faster clock without screwing up timing signals.

The talk about "copper" is because Intel, as do most chip makers, use
aluminum traces.  By going to copper you'll reduce the resistance even more,
even with the same trace lengths/widths, and you can go faster that way.

It's just plain voodoo I'm telling ya. :-)

Some chipmakers use copper now to get faster speeds...

IBM uses copper in some of it's ASIC (application specific integrated
circuit) using .16 micron technology.  Those bad boys are fast...up to
800MHz.  And I think IBM fabs some PowerPC's using copper, but curiously
those are running around 400MHz.

Intel says they can keep using aluminum up to about .13 micron width at
which time aluminum just don't get much smaller.  So then they'll go to
copper, and I can gaurantee they're already doing research with copper,
thanks to what an anonymous Intel folk shared with me recently.


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From: Jason Stratos Papadopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 13:10:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Pentium III

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Paul Derbyshire wrote:

> At 12:06 AM 2/28/99 -0900, you wrote:
> >     Eh?  All the original Celeron chips were sans cache, only after
> >the customers started screaming about a 300 performing like a 200mhz
> >pentium did the 300A and later come out with a reduced size cache (instead
> >of none).
> Really??? Hm. Silly buggers. Never ever ever ever release a chip without a
> cache. I don't suppose they were reasonable and charitable and gave
> everyone who got a chip from the bum batch a free upgrade to a 300A?
> And "minimize possible cache hits on cacheless Celeron chips" is still a
> vacuous condition...

I think that when the Celeron first came out it was a Pentium II whose
high-speed *external* cache was broken. The on-chip cache was still
fine, otherwise a cached 386 could probably outrun it.


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Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 15:04:17 +0100
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Mersennes for Martians

>Can anyone think of any way to *prove* the level of sophistication
>of our current society, better than a list of Mersenne primes?  spike

I suppose we could find a pattern in Pi and send that out across the
intergalactic garden to the neighbour's place...

- --
A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist...
Oliver Bonham-Carter, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of
the innocent, the helpless, the powerless --in a world of criminals who
operate above the law.
- -- By Order of the Fat Monkeys --

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Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 19:48:51 +0100
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Re: Chronons

        Hold fast everyone! I realize that the odds are seemingly very against
the formation of cellular material during the early days but the odds
were not so bad that a cell couldn't form little by little, step by step.
The odds that a modern day eukaryote (animal) cell could form on it's own
are probably similar to the chance of a working engine, constructed by
our familiar insensible monkeys.

        Arron Blosser, I don't think I understood you properly; you seemed to
imply that a whole cellular system came together soon after the formation
of left-handed amino acid molecules? The amino acids that could, did
bond. They were able to create a functioning system known as a cellular
membrane. This simple membrane was a perfect net to catch and retain the
chemical energy that the 'life' entity used to 'grow'. This existed for a
while as a simple cellular membrane system, but not yet a cell as we now
know it. A lot of bonding took hold at this time. Granted, the other
amino acid molecules probably failed to bond or to form a circular
cellular membrane that could easily retain an energy source to continue
'living'. Their fuel sources drifted away from them, leaving them naked
and unprotected from the violating elements.

        Over time, the safety of the cellular membrane gave energy and
protection to spend on more random events (more steps) leading up to the
creation simple organelles which formed and began functioning to improve
the 'cell's' competitive edges. A plethora of variation in organelles
formed, but evolution allowed only the smoothly working systems to
continue. The rest of the variety found that they could not get an energy
source easily enough since it was being quickly taken up and away by the
other competitive organelle systems. 

        The new competitive blob had time to haphazardly develop a genetic
system (thanks to the membrane and organelles working together) and it
became a kind of real cell. These membrane systems were like our modern
cells but behaved more like mitochondria and chloroplasts. These cells
began to need each other in a kind of symbiosis or codependence-based
relationship. One produced something that the other needed, so the kinds
of evolutionarily different cells merged together and formed a better
kind of cell. By the way, original DNA is still found in these
mitochondria and chloroplasts today (found as tenets in today's
prokaryotic cells) which is acceptable evidence of this ancient merge.
This was the formation of early prokaryote (plant) cells. These cells
formed things like bacteria, which were later eaten by the more advanced
euyarkote (animal) cells after they had developed.

>Now, what are the odds of enough of these amazingly rare proteins
>close enough to each other and magically combining to form a
>self-replicating cell?  Even more staggeringly impossible.

        It does seem impossible yet there are billions of trillions of cells in
your body suggesting otherwise. Perhaps you meant that it was impossible
for a modern cell to be formed in one swoop from nothing before, much
like the impossibility of a Pentium II chip being the first chip ever
There have to be prototypes in the beginning. The original system is
created, tested and then improvements are made. This makes the odds for a
completed system much better since the process is taken more slowly, and
fewer steps are taken at each interval. If a cell had to cover lots of
steps in once giant leap to become alive, then this would surely be too
excessive and the mass of protein would not become a cell. However, if a
developing cell only had to work on small improvements in little strides,
succession is easily granted.

        People behave in the same way. What are the odds that you'll spend all
your time and effort revamping the family house in one month? You
wouldn't do all that improving in such a short time. You would divide up
the work over a longer time so as not to make the work too taxing and
exhausting. By taking smaller steps at a time, the odds that you'll
complete your task are much improved.

        The odds of a cell being developed over the course of a long time from
little intervals of development are much more optimistic than those
chances of a cell becoming aloft from nothing and with no prototype. This
small step process is therefore very possible and plausible.

        Given all the obstacles to a single protein forming, much less a single
cell, I'm amazed that some kids didn't find it interesting enough to pay
attention in class. I guess I'm just one of those unfortunate people that
learned this biology stuff at school and studied it at university, I
never had much interest in television.

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From: "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 11:02:24 -0800
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Fabs.

> Re: PIII speed:
> >...don't expect a speed improvement beyond the obvious boost to
> >500MHz (and faster once .18 fabs come online).
> Fabs? What are those? I found a fabs in my float.h once, never did see it
> again. I think it was for finding absolute values. :-)

At the risk of stating the obvious (and for the sake of those less technical
in our audience): In chipmaking terminology, a "Fab" is a chip fabricating
plant, the .18 refers to 0.18 micron line widths, which is the next benchmark
in the ever-smaller spiral of chip feature-sizes.  And to think it wasn't that
long ago when sub-micron was a wonderous new goal [chips at the time were
mostly 1.2-2.0u lines, and the new 0.8 stuff was boggling].  Current stuff is
mostly .35-.20u

- -jrp

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From: Wojciech Florek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:38:07 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Mersenne: Some diagrams

Hi all!

I've downloaded Top Producers Awards list from the PrimeNet and
have prepared three figures showing No of accounts vs P90 CPU hours/day.
One of account had 0.0 CPU hours so I've changed it to 0.01. Accounts
are grouped into intervals satisfying the condition 
a <= ln (x+1) < a + 0.1 (first diagram)
a-0.1 <= ln x < a+0.1
For each `a' a number of accounts in the corresponding region is plotted
vs `a'. If you are intersting in these plots browse to my page
You can download pictures in *.gif *.ps and *.tex format.
I don't know why, but *.ps file cannot be viewed by gs under Linux
(but xv displays them). 

Comments, questions, requests etc send to


Wojciech Florek (WF)
Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Physics
ul. Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznan, Poland

phone: (++48-61) 8273033 fax: (++48-61) 8257758

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From: "Terry S. Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 12:05:05 -0800
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Fabs.


You got the resistance part wrong. As the trace gets smaller the resistance 
increases because the cross-section of the trace gets smaller. Electrical 
resistance is bulk phenomenon, more cross-section less resistance. The 
advantage of copper is that it has a lower bulk resistance. There is an 
additional phenomenon that comes into play at the clock rates we are 
talking about. This is impedance (the dynamic equivalent of resistance). 
This is part of what slows down the rise of the clock or any other 
signal.and also causes signal reflections that fouls signals up and looks 
like noise in many ways. This phenomenon is very sensitive to the shape of 
trace. A flat sheet and square trace of the same cross section have the 
same resistance but quire different impedance. You are right that much of 
this verges on Voodoo. When I was working with some of the first digital 
designs in the 100-600 MHz range over 25 years ago we referred to it as 
plumbing since we had to think in terms of Radio Frequency type design 
techniques. I take my hat off to the current generation of chip designers. 
They are working on the bleeding edge of digital circuit design.

At 09:53 AM 2/28/1999 , Aaron Blosser wrote in flowing prose:
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul Derbyshire
>> >...don't expect a speed improvement beyond the obvious boost to
>> >500MHz (and faster once .18 fabs come online).
>> Fabs? What are those? I found a fabs in my float.h once, never did see it
>> again. I think it was for finding absolute values. :-)
>> I guess I have to make a guess here. A .18 fab is...
>> * A nasty hypervelocity rifle with small caliber but potent slugs,
>>   hopefully in a Quake type game and not being manufactured in a
>>   black market weapons factory in the Middle East.
>> * A version of a program. A very very very very beta version.
>> * A very small something-or-other with which you something-or-other
>>   your something-or-other in order to achieve something-or-other.
>> Which of these is correct? :-)
>Argh! :-)
>None are correct...heh.
>Short for fabrication plant.  Basically, every time they shrink the pesky
>things, they have to invent a whole new technology to do it. :-)  And that
>means time and money.
>Usually, they can convert one plant over, but they can't convert 'em all
>because they need to keep making current chips as well, so they'll make a
>new plant or add-on to an existing one.
>Then there are the different yields.  By increasing the disc size they use
>to cut the silicon, you can get more chips on one die, increasing yield.
>What are they using now...18" dies or something?  You can fit a lot of
>PIII's on that.
>Anyway, I think the current PIII's will be at the same level as the PII's,
>but when they move to 0.18 micron, the trace width, you can get faster
>The problem with speeds are that with resistance, when you apply a square
>wave to it, it doesn't change instantly.  Were this not a text based forum,
>I could do a picture, but suffice to say that you get a gradual increase
>going from logical 0 to logical 1 (the PIII uses 1.8 volt methinks, so
>you're going from 0V to 1.8V).
>The clock signal changes like that every 2ns at 500MHz.  The clock signal
>must barely be able to get up to 1.8V in that time, though reducing the
>voltage is a good way to help, as well as decreasing power consumption.
>By making the traces smaller, you get less resistance and you can apply a
>faster clock without screwing up timing signals.
>The talk about "copper" is because Intel, as do most chip makers, use
>aluminum traces.  By going to copper you'll reduce the resistance even more,
>even with the same trace lengths/widths, and you can go faster that way.
>It's just plain voodoo I'm telling ya. :-)
>Some chipmakers use copper now to get faster speeds...
>IBM uses copper in some of it's ASIC (application specific integrated
>circuit) using .16 micron technology.  Those bad boys are fast...up to
>800MHz.  And I think IBM fabs some PowerPC's using copper, but curiously
>those are running around 400MHz.
>Intel says they can keep using aluminum up to about .13 micron width at
>which time aluminum just don't get much smaller.  So then they'll go to
>copper, and I can gaurantee they're already doing research with copper,
>thanks to what an anonymous Intel folk shared with me recently.
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Terry S. Arnold 2975 B Street San Diego, CA 92102 USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (619) 235-8181 (voice) (619) 235-0016 (fax)
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From: "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 14:45:24 -0800
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Some diagrams


I gotta 'cannot reach server' error on this

a traceroute dies after 12 hops (last response was from, )

- -jrp

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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #516

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