On Thu, Apr 22, 1999 at 04:16:54PM -0700, Mersenne Digest wrote:
>Well, my assumption is that GCC doesn't do 64-bit... I wish I were a Ultra
>guru like the one that did the DES port for Distributed.net... that thing
>flies! I was getting > 24Million keys/sec on just that one Quad machine...
>The Quad Xeons were only getting 16 Million... :P

Give me an UltraSPARC, and I'll promise to learn its asm ;-) Well, I guess
gcc _should_ do 64-bit, if the code itself knows about it (ie. uses `int'
and assumes it's 64 bits).

>Actually, surprisingly, the CE devices should do pretty well... (Just keep
>'em charged!)
>For example, the Jornada 820 we have here at the office has a 190Mhz
>StrongArm SH3 processor in it...

Wow! I really didn't know that. But won't that mean they drain battery? I
mean, the Psion 5 series (which some of my friends have; really impressive)
use standard AA batteries. Do the WinCE machines?

>The only concern I have is memory on the CE devices...

George is said to be working on a (slower) low-memory mode for Prime95 v19
(hmmm, what is the official name? Prime95? mprime? Prime? GIMPS?).

>Comparisons for you:
>- ---Sun UltraSparc (not sure what speed, 240?)
>- --MacLucasUNIX
>15.929sec = .0007s/iteration
>- --JavaLucas (JDK 1.2)
>128.348sec = .006s/iteration

Very surprising... Jun made Java, didn't they? This was extremely slow,
compared to the native version.

>- ---Intel P2-412


>- --Lucas
>50.11sec = .0025s/iteration

Compiled with what? Standard gcc? egcs? Pentium GCC? `-O6 -march=pentiumpro'
should give a fair bit of performance increase (in my own, small, string-based
programs I've noticed as much as +30% vs. gcc

>I'd try it on that AS/400, but I hate the damn thing...

Just send it to me, I'd be happy...

>So... there is an order of magnitude difference between MacLucasUNIX and
>JavaLucas, but not between Lucas and JavaLucas... So I guess I shoulda
>ported from MacLucasUNIX (I just wanted to do a sanity check for myself

You couldn't send me the JavaLucas source? I used to be a pretty good
Java coder (although I don't have a Java compiler anymore (can't get the
stupid Linux JDK to work)), so I could perhaps see if you had done
something _really_ stupid ;-)

>Actually, looking at the JavaLucas vs Prime95 for a big P (6466417), I'm
>getting 3.3s/iteration vs. .02s/iteration... So 2 orders of magnitude... 
>I think that sounds right...

Prime95 is fast. We all knew that ;-)

George had some C code once, nobody could ask him? (OK, I know it was based
on lucas.c or something, but I guess he still have made something smarter
out of it.)

>Actually, the Sega Dreamcast will run on WinCE

Yuck... What a stupid idea... or? (Sorry, I think defining something as a
subset of the Win32 API is just plain stupid.)

>Sony or someone will have a console running
>JavaOS... (WACKY aint it?)

I think the idea of WinCE on microwaves is even more wacky. Imagine your
microwave crashing...

>Duh... of course threading on one CPU won't make it faster, slower is more

Yup. Most people _still_ don't realize that.

>I'd like to see if I can get the FFT code to multithread tho. That'd be
>cool... Test single prime faster at least, but I don't know if there are any
>parallel FFT algorithms... Pointers anyone?

I'm not sure if it would really be worth it. Lots of extra programming pain
and CPU intercommunication (which is slow), for no real increase in computing

>Actually, I don't really know anything about FFTs, so any help would be
>appreciated... I have come to realize that I need to brush up a bit on my
>math... Its been too long since college...

Ummm, me neither. (I've just started on matrix calculation, but I guess I'm
still 4 years ahead of the schedule.)

>Plus, you could coordinate a buncha Java clients running around and stuff
>pretty easily...

Yes, the Java networking API is fantastic. (I programmed an IRC bot to Java
once, and it was fantastic...)

--- snip ---

>Multithreading (?)

On a WinCE machine?

/* Steinar */
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