Go Marc! This would be quite interesting to see, something on the tune
of team love fest I guess. Don't worry about beating TempleU-CAS guys,
it's not that hard! While I may have 335 P90 CPU years racked up, I
doubt that it will get much higher then that. In fact, for the past
two weeks SW has actually had a higher CPU rate! I was ~93 years ahead
him, but now am only 85 years ahead. Beating TempleU-CAS should not be
too hard......

Next friday is my last day working for the College of Liberal Arts
here at Temple. I am transferring to another division within the
university and will no longer be running the 275+ machines that
currently have Prime95 on them. I don't know who will follow me, but
chances are they will not continue my search for Mersenne Primes.

On the bright side, the labs will most likely continue to run Prime95
all summer long, with little usage. But by September they will all be
pretty much dormant, back to running screen savers again. Also, I
already have permission to run Prime95 on the machines at my new job
even though they will be far fewer in number.

Lastly, GIMPS got some positive media exposure in Philly recently.
This past monday our local ABC affiliate, WPVI channel 6,  aired a 2+
minute piece on my running Prime95 in our labs. It's basically a sugar
coated story just to fill up air time but it's media exposure none the
less. I will capture it soon and put it on my web page.

Good luck on the team idea Marc, I may just join you from my new job!

> Hi everyone... I am mhoney on the prime list and am curious about something.
> How many of you with 10 or more machines personally would be interested in
> joning me if I were to form a team?  I ask because I am interested in
> finding about 6 people with 10 or more machines that would like to join me
> in going for the prize :)  If your interested in working together for the
> benefit of our team, not to mention the monatery (sp?) benefit please e-mail
> me.  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  I would like to give Temple-U a run for the money
> "Literaly" (sp?) ;) Sorry my spelling sucks, I am a yupper.. hehe

Marc Getty  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - ICQ: 12916278
  http://www.getty.net    http://www.vwthing.org  Work: 215-204-3291
           http://etc.temple.edu/            Home/Cell: 215-962-5603
Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.scruz.net/~luke/signup.htm

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