At 10:49 AM 5/14/99 -0400, Rick Pali wrote:
>From: Jud McCranie
>> Why not form one big team out of all of GIMPS and split
>> the money, Honey?
>While I can't speak for others, I'm not in GIMPS for the money. While the
>awards are reasonably new, I've got over ten years accumulated on my two
>home machines and I *like* to be able to look at that total and see what
>I've done. Sure I'll take the money if it's thrown my way, but I'm not going
>to change the way I'm doing this just to have a better chance to get it.
>That's my MO, anyway.

I was being a little sarcastic.  I think that the original poster who was
wanting to team up with other people running at least 10 machines is not in the
spirit of the adventure.  I think it is fine to make a team if everyone on the
team has regular physical access to each machine, but I don't like the idea of
teaming up with unknown people.  That's why I said "why not make everyone a big
team", with a little sarcasm that was probably too subtle.

| Jud McCranie  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|                                           |
| I have macular stars in my eyes.          |

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