> > I tried at my company too (A very large Aerospace company based in
> > Washington) and my boss said that it didn't add any value to the company
> > so she couldn't approve it. I gotta find a way to show it does have
> > value...
> > 
> > -Chuck
> If you find one...
> 1) £50,000
> 2) Lots of free publicity

Those are precisely the reasons that scared the hell out of her. Publicity
is one of those things that large companies rarely want, only because it
rarely benefits them. I can't help but to agree with her on the publicity
thing. What do the stockholders care about mersenne primes. They wanna see
more airplanes not more mersenne primes. More airplanes = more money... On
the bright side, Boe... 'er I mean the large Washington based aerospace
company I work for, is involved in some very interesting pure mathematical
research because it does benefit many of the projects they work on. My
goal is to find one of those researchers and make them a sponsor of this
project. This way it would be seen as an innovation rather than a waste of

Disclaimer: If you think anything on this page represents the opinions of
anyone but me, you're absolutely crazy. These are my opinions and mine

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