Maybe it would just be more simple to use B.Beesley's idea of user
education and discretion. A half powered PC is better than none. Since
the computer actually belongs to the individual, then let them decide
what to do. Perhaps Prime95 could have a message box warning that comes
up when the screen saver is installed, telling the user how much of the
system resources are being spent on the screen saver. It could try to
convince the user to switch it off but if the user isn't interested, then
click "Ok" and nothing bad comes of it.
Besides, no one wants to get a flu from cold river water.

On Sun, 16 May 1999 11:31:38 -0500 Stephen Whitis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>But I guarantee that if you try to tell me that I can't run a screen 
>saver on
>my machine, then I'll tell you to jump off a bridge. 
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