> Doesn't sound too hard. The psuedo proxy could run OS/360 or Multics for
> all the clients care. I guess all you need to do at the client end is to
> find a FTP client which can be run from the command line, then have the
> Mersenne client simply construct the command, fork off a copy of the
> FTP client to do the file transfer, leave FTP to do its thing & get on
> with crunching numbers. You might want to worry about what happens to
> the client if it wants to rewrite the save file before the FTP finishes,
> my guess is that the best thing is to (a) abort & restart the FTP _and_
> (b) double the interval between writing save files.
> Actually, for local groups, you could probably just use the ordinary OS
> "file copy" command across filesystems shared using Windows, NFS, Netware
> or Samba (depending on the (N)OS or mix of (N)OSes).
> George - suggestion for V19 - option to run an external command (supplied
> by user as value in local.ini file) at fixed intervals (time
> again supplied
> as value in local.ini file) ? Those who think it's justifiable _could_
> use this option to kill screensavers ;-)

For that matter, if there were some link to spawn an external command, you
could use the plain jane FTP that comes with Win95/98/NT to FTP the file
somewhere, or just a copy command to a UNC share.

The Windows FTP command supports scripting via -S:scriptfile, so it's
possible I suppose, and it's not a bad idea to have something like that in
Prime v19 since you could do a whole bunch of stuff we haven't thought of.
I like that idea Brian!

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