From: Paul Derbyshire

> and your accusing me of flame-baiting, I begin
> to suspect that you, who I formerly had not even
> noticed, are in fact trying to flame-bait the list.

I don't think that anyone's trying to flame anyone at all, but I can't

> > Evidently you haven't been monitoring the list.
> No thanks to Globalserve...

Well that's not the list's fault, not is it George's or Scott's so might
it not be a good idea to ask to be apprised of the situation before
accusing the very people who make all this possible of being "completely
unconscionably rash." Not only would've it prevented that egg on your
face, but it's just plain courteous.

> A problem of such magnitude should have been caught a lot
> sooner... but I repeat myself.

Yea, you sure do. I'd consider the software that the project has produced
as *outstanding* when compared to the commercial norm. And even when a
single problem has occurred, there was a fix within a day or two. It's a
pipe-dream with software that we pay hundreds of dollars for...and we can
download this stuff for free.

After two years, I've only lost two numbers (that weren't my fault). With
a record like that, the reasonable among us have nothing at all to
complain about. And if 100% accuracy is what you demand, Ken has extended
an invitation to you to join the testing team.

> > George made COPIOUS apologies REPEATEDLY when the bug was found.
> Well, no thanks to my ISP, I was not aware of this.

We're got nothing at all to do with that, and you can't claim that your
ISP has anything to do with what you've written since your return either.

Like the previous poster said, George obviously regretted the error, felt
bad about it, and apologised repeatedly. I don't think that he deserves to
be called to the carpet for it so long after the fact.


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