
   You are correct in identifying overheating as the main problem.  Most
major manufactures give a maximum air temperature of 35-40C inside the PC
case.  If the air temperature is lower, the processor will run somewhat
faster.  The speedup is on the order of 1-3MHz per degree C, depending on
processor type.  None of this is to say that overclocking will not fail for
some other reason, but the 3% increase is not likely to cause problems
except in a very hot environment.



> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
> Blosser
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 1999 7:28 AM
> To: Mersenne@Base. Com
> Subject: RE: Mersenne: Prime 95 Error Messages/ Misc
> >
> > Note that simple overheating can also cause problems, even if your
> > system _isn't_ overclocked. Might be an idea to check that case
> > and processor cooling fans are operating. They have been known to
> > fail!
> I'd just like to pitch in again...
> Overclocking your bus from 100 to 103 is not likely to exhibit problems.
> Any problems you have were probably there at 100MHz also.
> I'm talking about the folks who overclock their 66MHz (bus speed)
> Celeron's
> When you play your games, run Word/Excel, you're just simply not
> generating
> as much heat.  When you run an FPU intensive program, your CPU will really
> heat up much more, and heat is the killer...raises resistance, causes
> "misfires" with capacitive loads (e.g. memory, be it cache or registers),
> timing problems, etc.
> So, I urge anyone out there to not overclock their prime finding machines,
> or if you're tempted, do so only moderately (100-103 bus speed
> for instance,
> or possibly 66-75 is not extraordinary).
> Those Abit motherboards with their "turbo" setting provides a
> nice, moderate
> 3% boost in clock speed and *I* would consider that safe anyway.
> Aaron
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