At 07:53 AM 6/11/99 MDT, Paul Derbyshire wrote:
>Jud McCranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>[Mysterious missing Mersenne exponents]
>> But I thought that the exponents were reassigned if no result was
>> reported in 2 months.  These were assigned much more than 2 months ago.
>No, they're reassigned if no update is reported in 2 months. The update
may be
>a keepalive or an expected completion date or almost anything.

In addition these ones have stay silent for a year:

prime      fact  current          days
exponent    bits iteration  run / to go / exp   date updated     date assigned

4300291 D   61             447.1 -24.8  35.2  21-Mar-98 18:45  21-Mar-98 11:03
4369949     60             473.5 225.9 285.9  22-May-98 13:13  23-Feb-98 02:21

However, these ones seem (somehow) to follow the rule?

prime      fact  current          days
exponent    bits iteration  run / to go / exp   date updated     date assigned

4472627     61   1509116   216.4 196.0  81.0  04-Jun-99 15:27  07-Nov-98 04:35
4692539     61   1337470   163.3 177.8  57.8  08-Jun-99 08:07  30-Dec-98 06:11
4742407     61   3604480   292.8  48.8  53.8  04-Jun-99 10:17  22-Aug-98 19:59
4746997     61              45.3  26.6  60.6  11-Jun-99 04:27  27-Apr-99 06:03
4786079     61               1.3  92.7  86.7  10-Jun-99 06:29  10-Jun-99 06:24
4854439     61   2818048   214.7  52.3  66.3  10-Jun-99 21:41  08-Nov-98 22:46
and many more...

P.S. While I was writing this message, I recieved the message of Jeff Wood
than the check is machine based and not number base which explained this

Yvan Dutil

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