This really bothers me.  Who appointed us to be our brother's keepers?
What RIGHT do the people on this list have to keep asking questions
of those who do not meet the expectations of the questioners?

To those on this list who are pursuing why certain exponents are not
being completed "sooner" -- think about it -- WHAT DIFFERENCE WILL
IT MAKE in __your__ life when exponent so-and-so is completed ??

This project was supposed to be fun.  It is becoming intrusive.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jud McCranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 11:38 AM 6/13/99 +0200, Sturle Sunde wrote:
> >And exactly how do you think that justifies that a GIMPS-participant does
> >it knowingly?
> I'd like to ask the following of readers of this list who have been working on
> an exponent for more than 1 year, and have an expected completion date after
> 9/9/99.
> 1. What percentage of the computation has been completed?
> 2. What is the speed of the CPU?
> 3. How many hours per day is Prime95 actually running?

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