> There is no sure-fire formula for detecting exponents that are no longer
> being worked on.  Once in a great while, I analyze the database and find
> exponents that have "slipped through the cracks" or I think have been
> abandoned and release them for reassignment.  I do *not* email
> the affected
> persons (I used to, but it was *way* too much work).
> The good news is that the current prime95 expiration policy seems to
> work very well.  Thus, this problem should occur much less frequently
> in the future.

Agreed.  I think it's important to note here that of the thousands of
exponents currently assigned for testing, I could find only a bit over a
dozen that were SOOO obviously abandoned (and so much time until they would
be reassigned) that I think the current system does in fact work quite


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